Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Tanguy Risset and Jean-Marie Gorce are professors at the Telecommunications Department of Insa Lyon.

  • Florent de Dinechin is a professor at the Computer Science Department of Insa Lyon.

  • Claire Goursaud and Malcolm Egan are an associate professor at the Telecommunications department of Insa Lyon.

  • Leonardo Sampaio-Cardoso is an associate professor at the FIMI department as well as the Telecommunications Department of Insa Lyon

  • Guillaume Salagnac and Kevin Marquet are associate professors at the Computer Science Department of Insa Lyon.

  • Guillaume Villemaud and Florin Hutu are associate professor at the Electrical Engineering Department of Insa Lyon.

  • Samir M. Perlaza and Jean-Marie Gorce teach the course on Network Information Theory at École Normale Supérieure de Lyon.


  • PhD in progress Gautier BerthouOperating system for transiently powered systems, Inria, (IPL ZEP) since 01/2018.

  • PhD in progress Tristan Delizymemory management for normally-of NV-RAM based systems, Insa-Lyon, (Region ARC6) since 09/2016.

  • PhD in progress Yohan UguenSynthesis of arithmetic operators, Insa-Lyon, (Mininstry of research) since 09/2016.

  • PhD in progress David KibloffNew strategy for Physical Layer Security in wireless networks: self-jamming using Full-Duplex Transceivers, École Doctorale EEA de Lyon, funded by Inria-DGA grant since 10/2015.

  • PhD in progress Nizar KhalfetStochastic Energy Sources to Power Communication Systems, École Doctorale EEA de Lyon, funded by EU Project COM-MED since 10/2016.

  • PhD in progress : Andrea Bocco: Porposition d'une unité de caclul U-NUM pour le calcul scientifique, ANR Metalibm grant, since 12/2016.

  • PhD in progress : Hassan Kallam: Topology aided multi-user interference management in wireless network , Fed4PMR Insavalor project grant, since 01/2017.

  • PhD in progress : Anade Akpo Dadja: Non assymptotic fundemental limits of bursty communications, ANR Arburst grant, since 10/2017.

  • PhD in progress : Diane Duchemin: Distributed coding in dense IoT Network, ANR Ephyl grant, since 01/2017.

  • PhD starting Luc Forget : Algèbre linéaire calculant au plus juste, ANR Imprenum, since 10/2018.

  • PhD starting Yanni Zhou : Full Duplex and spatial modulation

  • PhD starting Tarik Lassouaoui: Tag 2 Tag communication

  • PhD starting Regis Rousseau: Wireless Power Transfer

  • PhD defended: Yuqi MoScaling of Iot Communication issues, École Doctorale EEA,sept. 2018.


  • Guillaume Salagnac was examiner in the jury of the PhD Nadir Cherify "Assistance au développement de logiciels embarqués contraints en énergie"

  • Florin Hutu was examiner int the PhD Jury of Frank Itoua, defended on March 12, 2018 at Limoges University.

  • Tanguy Risset was a member of the jury of the following theses:

    • Maxime France-Pillois (U. Grenoble)

    • Perrin Njoyah Ntafam (U. Grenoble)

    • Simon Rokicki (U. Rennes)

  • Florent de Dinechin was a reviewer in the jury of Hugues de Lassus Saint-Genis, defended on May 17 2018 at Université de Perpignan Via Domitia.

  • Malcolm Egan was a co-supervisor in the jury of Mauro de Freitas, defended at Université de Lille 1.

  • Claire Goursaud and Jean-Marie Gorce were co-supervisors in the jury of Yuqi Mo, defended at Insa Lyon.

  • Jean-Marie Gorce was :

    • a reviewer of the HdR jury of Guillaume Andrieux (IETR, Nantes U., December 2018).

    • a reviewer of the PhD jury of Philippe Ezran (Supelec Paris Saclay U., January 2018).

    • a reviewer of the PhD jury of Antony Pottier (IMT Atlantique, Nov 2018).

    • a reviewer of the PhD jury of Luca Feltrin (Bologna U., Italy, December 2018).

    • an examiner of the PhD jury of Xavier Leturc (IMT Paris, U. Paris Saclay, December 2018),

  • Guillaume Villemaud was a reviewer for the PhD defense of

    • Andreina Liendo (Univ. Grenoble)

    • Mai-Thanh TRAN (Univ. Rennes 1)

    • Manuel Milla Peinado (Univ. Poitiers)

  • Claire Goursaud was a member in the jury of Alaa Khreis, defended at l'Université Paris Saclay, prepared at Télécom ParisTech .

  • Claire Goursaud was a reviewer in the jury of Remi Bonnefoi, defended at CentraleSupelec